dr Małgorzata Wojtyniak

Who am I?

I am a teacher who loves to teach. I have taught Spanish as a foreign language for over 19 years. I graduated from philology and philosophy. I also studied History of European Culture and Civilization at the University of Warsaw and Estudios Hispánicos Avanzados at the University of Valencia. I work as a teacher, trainer and academic scholar.

What are my academic interests?

I am interested in the relationships between philosophical thought and literature, Spanish Golden Age literature and most of all, Spanish theatre. In 2008-2010 I participated in the project Digital Archive of Polish Literary Monuments directed by the Polish Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Literary Research. In 2010-2011 I was a member of the DICAT group directed by Teresa Ferrer and collaborated with CATCOM project Las comedias y sus representantes. Base de datos de las comedias mencionadas en la documentación teatral (1540-1700)

What do I teach?

I have worked at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” of the University of Warsaw since 2008.
I have lectured the following courses: Spanish as foreign language, Learning Spanish using elements of linguistics and culture,  Reading Artistic Texts, Introduction to Intercultural Communication. I also taught Old Polish Literature and Ancient and Biblical Traditions in Literature.