dr Anita Brzozowska

Who am I?

I am a sociologist and a researcher at the Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw (2014). In 2019 I defended my PhD thesis (cum laude), “Intermarriage, social structure, and integration of migrants. The case of Polish-Ukrainian marriages in Poland”, at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Warsaw.

What are my academic interests?

I am focusing on labour and family migration, integration and socio-economic mobility. My academic interests also include the methodology of social sciences.

What do I teach?

I’m a co-instructor of the course “Risks in Modern Societies”, responsible for topics related to integration and health risks. 


As a researcher at the Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, I have been involved in many projects that use the lens of migration to examine key dynamics in modern societies. Teaching at the ISSC is an excellent opportunity to implement research-based learning.