dr Szymon Gruda

Who am I?

I work at the Center for Research and Practice in Cultural Continuity, Faculty of „Artes Liberales” UW. I hold a Ph.D. in Cultural Studies (at the Faculty of „Artes Liberales” UW in co-tutelle with the Faculty of Philology of the University of Seville), but I consider myself a philologist and a historical linguist first and foremost. In my free time I enjoy playing guitar.

What are my academic interests?

My research interests include issues of language and culture contact in general and in the sixteenth-century Mexico in particular, Renaissance culture in sixteenth-century Europe and colonial Latin America, as well as language planning and linguistic revitalization.

What do I teach

I teach both classes of Nahuatl language (at the beginner and intermediate level) and courses devoted to the history of Ibero-American culture and the culture contact between the Europeans and the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas.


The colonial encounter which took – and takes – place in the Americas shaped not only the cultures of the Neo-European and mestizo societies as well as those of the Indigenous People of the colonized lands, but also the modern European culture. An awareness of the processes started by this encounter is therefore indispensable for understanding the social and cultural change in the contemporary word.